How do you breathe ceremonially?

There are so many different types of breathwork.  None are better than another.  What works for you is what is best!  Learn our specific pattern of the breath that we use in our ceremonies.  Check our our breathwork offerings at


Video Transcript

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hi it’s tiffany with sacred pillars
talking to you more about breath work
and the breath work what i want to talk to
you about today is the kind of the
deeper more intentional ceremonial
breath work we call it  there’s all kinds of different breath
work that is really kind of deep and
rhythmic you could have you know two-part breath
a three-part breath you can have pauses
um there’s holotropic uh breath work
there’s wim hof breath work  there’s what we do which
is called ceremonial breath work
rebirthing breath work there’s so many
names for so many different types of
i wouldn’t i’m going to say healing or
transformational breath work this is not
the relaxed breath work this is this is
kind of the do the work kind of work
breath work so what’s going to work for you is going to
be up to you and i encourage you to try
different exercises out there’s lots of
videos that people have out there to
try this so just know that there’s not one
perfect way to do it the breath work
that we use in our ceremonial breath
work i don’t know that there’s a particular
name for it we just call it ceremonial
breath work it’s a three part breath work
pattern where it’s two inhales so in the belly
into lungs and exhale so
it’s all done through the the mouth
 we’re not necessarily taking pauses and we do it
for about uh an hour or so
and we simply call that ceremonial breath work
try out what might work for you there’s
there’s no right or wrong way to do it
there’s not to say if you do it this way
you’re gonna get this benefit versus do
it that way you’re going to get that
benefit it’s literally very very specific to you and certain
breath patterns are more comfortable for
people than others so
just know that deep rhythmic breathing
patterns there’s so many different kinds and you
you get to try what works for you and if
you’d like to try ours we have
many different opportunities to do that
we have monthly we hold in-person ceremonial
breath work events
we also do monthly virtual breath
work which can be just as powerful as in
person we also do breath work as a part
of our entheogen ceremonies and entheogen
retreats so lots of opportunities to
do it but that in a nutshell is the
breath work that we practice