Step #2 to a safe & profound psychedelic experience

Preparation, phase #2 of 4 in our approach to helping you have a safe & profound experience using psychedelics for the intention of healing is an important step in the process. Sign up for your Personal Assessment at:


Video Transcript

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hi I’m candi with sacred pillars church
and I’m here today to talk with you
about preparation which is phase two of
four and our safe and effective approach
of working with psilocybin
so why do we work with people to prepare
and why is it important and that’s what
I’m going to touch on some of those
Highlights today
one of the analogies I like to use is if
you’re going to go skiing downhill
skiing you know you wouldn’t just go
slap a pair of skis on and just go
straight down the mountain I mean you
can do that and there’s some people
have done that and it’s maybe not the
safe and most safe and fun approach I’ve
had some friends do that and afterwards
I like I swear I’m never going to go
again you’d want to take some lessons
and prepare so that you know how to
scale them out and go back and forth so
that you can be safe
feel secure and have some fun and so
that’s what we do with working with
psilocybin preparing for the medicine so
that you can get the most healing
transformation experience out of it
so how do we do that so first we start
working with you with intentions and
what our intentions we’ll ask you know
why do you want to do psilocybin ceremony why do you want to
work the plant medicine what type of
healing do you want
what type of blockages do you have to
your healing and we put a lot of thought
and preparation into and have created
these worksheets that help you go
through and look internal and help you
prepare those intentions and really look
at what you’re wanting to get out of the
the other thing that we do is
work with you to what to what can happen
during a ceremony
and we’ve got that’s phase three of our
approach which we’ll talk more in detail
of what to expect of ceremony but
there’s a lot of things that can come up and so
we prepare you for that of how how to
work through those the other thing is
there can be
some uh challenging situations that
come up you know we go in with the
best intentions of want to go in for
this healing and we plan on like I’m gonna
surrender and I’m just going to allow
the medicine to work with me but
sometimes it’s easier said than done you
know in our daily lives we resist that
so when it comes into plant medicine it
shows us these things maybe that we are
not quite ready we can resist that
and get frightened by it so we work
with you of how do you lean into that
how do you ask the medicine to show you
what you need to see we work with you of
how to breathe into that and how to go
through and working through these
situations with the medicine and we
prepare you for that
the other thing is if you’re going to do
a group ceremony we like to get the
group participants together uh at least
once or twice to get to know each other
feel comfortable so you’re not just
going into the setting with these new
people there’s always anxiousness going
to ceremonies so we prepare you for that
the other thing is preparing Your Vessel
and what I mean by that is your diet
what are you putting into your body
and just the more prepared you can be
like no alcohol no tobacco these type of
things clean eating it can really help you go in and get the
most out of the ceremony which is why
what we do is preparation we want you to
have the most chance to have the most healing
transformational experience that you can
thank you