Why ceremonial breathwork is powerful!

Learn why this type of breathwork is one of our most exciting offering for its quick, little investment, and super profound outcomes! Check out our breathwork offerings on our events page: www.SacredPillars.church/events

Video Transcript

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hi this is tiffany with sacred pillars
and i’m talking to you now about breath
work it is absolutely one of my favorite
topics at present because it is so
absolutely completely powerful
and uh when i talk about breath work a
lot of people just don’t quite get it
endless and until you do it yourself and
you understand how it can work with you
people just can’t quite grasp a lot of
the time i’m just breathing i breathe every
single day and i’m not getting you know
necessarily relaxation benefits or
transformation or healing so how am i
going to go to one of your ceremonies or
any retreats and transform with my
breath well here’s the thing when you use it in a
practice when you use it with a very intentional
repetitive rhythmic a circular
type of breath okay when you use it in
that way amazing things can happen because we are
actually getting oxygen into our body the way that
we were really kind of more intended to
to do instead the shallow breathing that
that we do kind of day in and day out
so when we’re able to do that practice
and literally drop from our ego mind and
our thinky thinky thinking mind we’re
focusing on our breath and we’re
focusing on our body we’re able to drop
into connecting with our true nature and our
true self and our true wisdom
so like that in in essence is what kind
of breath work is about and how it can
kind of get there i’m going to talk in
some more videos about different types
of breath work that we use and really a
lot of the benefits so stay tuned