Using psychedelics with the intention of reducing anxiety, depression, etc. is not straightforward

Using psychedelics with the intention of reducing anxiety, depression, etc. is not straightforward. Find out more in this video how our  4-phase psychedelic approach can help ensure a safe and profound result. Take the next step to find out if you’re ready during your confidential Personal Assessment at: or find out more at


Video Transcript

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hi it’s tiffany with sacred pillars
again i’m talking to you
more about what the church
does and our 4-phase psychedelic approach to helping people
so at its highest level at its essence
we are creating safe opportunities
for people to come have an experience
with psychedelics, specifically psilocybin mushrooms but we’ve
created structured framework
with professional guidance
to basically help ensure that you’re
gonna have number one a safe psychedelic experience that’s
that’s what’s most important to us
but number two to have the the lifelong lasting changes that you’re looking for it’s just not as simple as just throwing mushrooms or psychedelics at the problem and
i’ll talk a little bit about why why
that is the other thing that we do
is we create community for people and
this is so important people so often are
alone like we’ve heard that over the
last how much how many times have you
heard that over the last several years
i’m alone i’m alone people need community we heal in
community and we are creating a central
core of like-minded beautiful people
that are able to come together and help
support one another so that’s in essence
like what we do but i want to talk about our 4 phase psychedelic approach
with how we do it okay so i mentioned that
our approach is unique and that we’re just not throwing psilocybin at people we really feel like
that’s uh that’s a hit or miss whether
or not you’re going to have profound
results in in in can lead potentially to
having a difficult challenging experiences all right
so what we do is our approaches we we
have four phases that after working with people with psilocybin
for years and hundreds of people what we see
actually works right phase number one is a a personal
assessment honestly trying to help you understand
whether or not you are ready to take a
journey with psilocybin mushrooms
it’s really not as easy i mean it can be
easy just to say yes but really if
you’re looking to have results safely
let us help you figure out for yourself
whether or not that is the the safest
option for you and really what path to
take there’s actually many paths to take
with using psilocybin mushrooms we can
help you figure that out so personal
assessment and then let’s say phase two
you are going to go ahead and take a
psilocybin journey we’re going to help you prepare
for it all right we’re going to help you
understand potentially challenging
situations that could come up while
you’re in the medicine and how you work
through it how you’re actually working
with the psilocybin medicine to get the
results that you’re looking for okay
number three is you actually have the
experience yourself with with the
medicine with the psilocybin mushrooms all right
and quite honestly i believe that’s a
tiny sliver of the whole process everything else
we’re talking about is actually we’re
bookending it these assessments and the preparation
and i’m gonna call integration
is that those those pieces are much more
important so the last piece the integration so you
may have an experience where not quite sure what to make of it not quite understand it maybe it was
challenging maybe it was beautiful maybe
you saw things you understand but you’re like oh crap how do i actually make these changes in my
life and then you went in and stirred up a
bunch of stuff you might have had a
beautiful experience but then after the fact
oh gosh i gotta look at myself to i see
myself differently now i’m having these
types of feelings or whatever whatever
that could possibly be that’s integration
and and we are there to help people
through each and every single one of
those phases so that’s our approach
that’s what we do and thank you again
for joining