Potluck + Fire Ceremony

26nov2:00 pmPotluck + Fire Ceremony

Event Details

Thanksgiving weekend, join us for a day of visioning, offering, and gratitude, beginning with a potluck meal & followed by a Fire Ceremony.


Within a sacred container, you’ll have a beautiful opportunity to enter into a sacred relationship with fire, express a vision of transformation, and connect with gratitude.  Come manifest  WHO YOU ARE and reveal your appreciation for life!


We will also circle together as a tribe, sharing in a communal meal.   


How to prepare / what to bring


– A vegetarian or vegan, health conscious dish to share.

– Your favorite flower, for the altar and then as an offering to the fire.

– Appropriate, comfortable indoor and outdoor clothing (we plan to spend some time outside, dependent on weather).  

– Do not wear perfume or use heavily scented detergents.


Space is limited and pre-registration is required.  Event is in Newcastle, OK.  Address is emailed after registration.  

Register at https://SacredPillarsChurch.as.me/FireCeremony




November 26, 2022 2:00 pm(GMT-06:00)


Newcastle, OK

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