Retreat Program: The Preparation Phase

Candi is talking more about our Entheogen Retreat Program and its first phase, Preparation. This is 5-week group virtual experience, helping you learn how to receive, hold space and move with and through the those things about yourself that may feel uncomfortable. You will practice ways to be able to hold a loving and compassionate container so that when you sit in ceremony you have tools to be able to help receive what the medicine has to show you. Ready to sign up for the retreat program?

Schedule your discovery call here:

Want to learn more about the retreat program first? Visit

Video Transcript

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Hi I’m Candi with Sacred Pillars Church
and I am here today to talk to you about
our Entheogen Retreat program.  I’m
so excited about the program we put
together over the years we have held
just a weekend Psilocybin Retreat and those have
had a lot of benefits for people and
they are really good.  What we’ve have
learned over the years working with
psilocybin and working with people and with groups is that there needed to be
more preparation and integration that’s
wrapped around the retreat program.  Today I’m going to talk to you about our
preparation phase and what that looks
like and why do we do it and the
benefits.  We have found that the
five-week preparation phase really helps people
prepare to go into ceremony.  The 3-day Entheogen weekend retreat
and we do as a group  all our Entheogen
Retreat programs are small groups 10 to
12 people and what we like to do is
get people prepared before they ever go
in to that weekend retreat in working
with psilocybin.  The reason we do that there’s
 actually several reasons that we
do. One is you’re not just showing up for
the weekend and the first time you meet
people. Anytime going to a retreat even
myself there’s always some fear of
around oh my gosh I don’t know
these people there’s always some fear going
into a plant medicine ceremony and so by preparing and working
as a group for the five weeks prior to
attending the 3-day retreat ceremony there is a cohesiveness a trust
and a container built with the
 group of people.  So what do we do for those five weeks.
We have developed a program that we
have we put online but we meet
once a week for an hour as a group
on zoom.  We have our
online program we’ve got videos and
worksheets that each week there is
homework where you fill out
these worksheets, listen to the videos
and then the following week we meet as a
group and  discuss what might of come up for you
and/or what you learned.
We do this for the five weeks
getting prepared for the 3-day retreat.  What
is that preparation about? What we’ve learned
is how do you receive and so when you go
into the retreat how do you receive the
medicine how do you receive those things.
 As humans and what we found out is
like even myself I can give help all day
long that how do I receive help, how do I
ask for help.  Most people we talk to
they’re not as comfortable with  asking or receiving help. So
we learn start learning how do we ask for help, how do
we receive help,
how does that make us feel do we feel
less than, do we feel shame?
We look at these things so we are
already starting to do this work and
build trust and vulnerability within
ourselves and within the group and
seeing that in a group setting like that
of knowing we’re not alone.
Most of us  feel like we’re alone
in the way we feel and it’s very
comforting to know other people are
feeling similar to us we are not alone.
With this work we’re building this this tribe around
us, this trust, the safe
container so when you go into the
weekend you are already open  going
in ceremony and removing a lot of those fears. We
also work on what is the intentions how
do you set those we like to call them
Visions Visions for yourself what are
you wanting to get out of this what are
you wanting out of your life why why are
you doing ceremony most people we work
I’ve always are wanting something
they’ve been stuck maybe they’ve been on
they’ve always felt maybe separated a
little bit less than uh what’s our
purpose in life so we start working
towards those things looking at those
writing about them talking about them
and we do this for five weeks and you
know then also how to prepare what I
need for Ceremony what I bring uh and we
go through everything about that what
can I expect during the weekend uh what
can I expect during the ceremony what
happens if things come up during
ceremony that seem difficult or
uncomfortable how do you work through
that how do you breathe through that how
do you let medicine to kind of sink in
that and navigate through that ceremony
so we really try to prepare you for that
weekend in going into medicine so that
you can get the most out of that weekend
possible like I said we’ve done weekend
ceremonies before and there’s been
benefits but we’ve put this 11-week
program now to really help people
prepare before they go into the weekend
so you can get the most out of it and
then we do the five-week integration
phase which we’ll talk about in another
but people are coming to us for wanting
these transformational changes they want
changes in their life that we’ve tried
to change before we’ve tried to work
through these things and maybe it lasted
for a month six months and our goal is
to give people a path to have lifelong
changes and so that this is why we put
this program together we’re really
excited about it we’ve seen really good
and thank you for listening to me and if
you’re interested in our Retreat it
starts uh the last day to sign up is
September 9th the three-day weekend
retreat itself is October the weekend of
October 12th and the program starts uh
September 19th so if you’re interested
check out our website book your
Discovery call and if you have any
questions reach out to us thank you